Yesterday's News 3-5-18
You Need To Buy Something From Amazon For Me To Get Paid For This...Awkward
You Fake It You Bought It - This is pretty despicable, but the Amazon platform, like E-Bay before it, thrives on an automated storefront. They won't change this until someone sues.
Keep English Weird - A short video showing why irregular verbs come from the oldest form of English and resisted changes in convention due to their common usage.
It's Literally The Least You Can Do - The Onion always does an amazing job when the mix in a bit of fact into the comedy. Click the link and get them their penny so they can pay the writers.
The President Wants A Thing That Already Exists - Like Movies, Games already have a rating system. So when the Spray Tan in Chief asks for a rating system, you can understand exactly how ill-informed he is.
Rants and Reviews. Mostly just BS and Affiliate Links.
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