Conspiracies Undersell The Evil
In this video, William Gibson says that "All Conspiracy Theories need to be simple enough to explain over two pints of beer." It's a good interview from when his last novel came out. When you look at James O'Keefe trying to pitch yet another fake video. This time he's claiming that Pfizer is manipulating COVID-19 to keep infecting people to sell boosters, comic book villainy is actually easier to deal with than the actual truth. Feeding people the idea that the virus is a tool of someone, the Chinese bioweapon story long unfashionable, is easier than the fact that depraved indifference rules the day. Now that the government has decided the COVID-19 emergency is over, both Pfizer and Moderna have rolled out price matching increases of nearly 400%.
The usual gang in congress push back against the plan, but with Congress in side show mode, the most we'll see is some grandstanding hearings and little to no action. Government funding was crucial to the development of the vaccines. With COVID-19 moving toward another endemic infection, these vaccines will be around for quite a while. But it's much easier to imagine that big pharma is genetically engineering new strains than it is to imagine that an industry know that the government will never regulate their pricing. The Saturday-afternoon cable plot at least posits that there's a villain to defeat, and not that no one even cares enough to hide their depravity. I'm not linking the Michael Moore for Proud Boys bullshit for obvious reasons.
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