Yesterday's News 2/21/2018
If you want to buy one of those $5k Kindle Books Use the Affiliate Link Please
I'll Take The Ultimate Wash Option - I mean I’d prefer they just 3D print me a new body, but this will do.
Facebook Mines Its Users For Data About Inequality - Though I think that most of us have made peace with Facebook doing whatever they want, their insistence that they use their vast userbase as actual . . .
Yesterday's News 2/20/2018
I Really Hope No One Else Came Up With Linus' Law
Brain Plasticity Study - A study looks at people who suffered a stroke as infants, and how their brains adapted to develop language normally, giving more data about the way brain plasticity works.
David Tennant On Good Omens - I am exceedingly excited about this show. Good Omens was the book that introduced me to Terry Pratchett. (I . . .
Yesterday's News 2/19/2018
Coinbase is Not a Bank - I'm not sure how the longterm viability of cryptocurrency is possible with companies like this. If there was ever something practically invites the Government to step in, this is probably it. I wouldn't be surprised if you see the EU start to get involved some time this year.
Go To The Effing Doctor . . .
Yesterday's News 2-16-2018
Instead of spending the day sharing this stuff out on Twitter and Facebook, I'm going to start sharing them here.
Implicit Bias and Policing - Jennifer Eberhardt is a social scientist bringing implicit bias research to policing. She has been embedded with the Oakland PD creating new policies based on her research. It's a . . .
Serial Killers, Computer Models, and Small Town America
The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne
What if you could model the behavior of a killer using the same model used to track Apex predators? In The Naturalist, Andrew Mayne uses this idea to craft a tense thriller.
Professor Theo Cray finds himself under suspicion of murder when one of his former students ends up dead. After he gets cleared, it is found that his student . . .
Sea of Rust
The Post-Post Robot Apoclypse
That tagline is the best way to sell this book. The robots rose up and destroyed humanity, but the last human is already a distant memory in Britta's mind by the time that we join her. Instead, we find her scavenging a wasteland for failing robots. It turns out that massive mainframe AI's started absorbing smaller robots into their . . .
A New Home
Pour One Out For
I am still a little sad to see it go. Typed was a dead simple CMS, and the money I paid into the Indiegogo was what spurred me to at least keep blogging monthly. While my freelancing career has never expanded beyond one site a time, I do still fancy myself a professional writer.
Silverback was an easy place to get this blog up and . . .