Yesterday's News 3-12-2018
If Douchosphere catches on we truly live in marvelous times.
Between some late nights at work last week and a trip this weekend, I missed getting up Thursday and Friday's posts. So today's post is a little longer and combines the links from the two along with some other articles I found over the weekend.
How You Forget Your Childhood - A study finds the way that our childhood memories are forgotten. Nautilus reports on the history of childhood amnesia. This study theorizes that as your brain develops its changing and remapping leaves memories inaccessible
Old Macs Never Die - Why I still love this community despite the rise of the douchosphere in the last few years is that no one loves their computers quite like Mac users. They'll hold on to old boxes for every, and lovingly curate weird dead tech just to ensure no one forgets.
Sorry 'Bout The Bombs - The media erases the past on the Middle East, and reduces the role interventionist policies played in destabilizing the region.
Another Era Ends - Johnny Rotten's weapon of choice leaves its print publication behind. The slow shuttering of the print magazine business leaves a lot of these publications more vulnerable than ever. The NME Is the kind of over-serious music journalism that defines the UK press; it's a necessary voice.
The Empty Throne - Dave Cullen, the author of the best book on Columbine, details the activism of the high school students from America’s latest mass shooting. It’s a decent profile that describes the way the protest came together, as well as its effect on politics. However, I think his premise at the end is the most interesting. He posits that this activism is so effective because politicians are so cynical. The partisan bickering and cynical posturing have made it so that all we’ve done is watch a body count repeat itself on cable news.
The Democratic Civil War Heats Up - In a way, this was inevitable. Bernie contrasted the Washington insiders and the rank and file starkly. The current DNC leadership seems keen to ensure it ends in a primary dogfight. Which more than likely leaves wounded to be picked off by Republicans in November.
Right In My Sweet Spot - As someone who likes programming and history, this was a fascinating read. Using modeling to help historians improve their research.
Real Journalism, Real Consequences - As the American media become more and more dominated by TV debates and endless op-ed pieces it's important to realize that there are real journalists out there. Der Spiegel has a story about a German journalist running headlong into Turkey's slow slide into despotism.
Teams Make Us Less Rational - Looking at the way that joining an in-group makes us less rational when dealing with people in the “other.” This is likely exacerbated by American politics becoming a cultural movement and not a philosophical belief about governing. Instead, it’s more about our Churches, restaurants, TV shows, and lifestyles than marginal tax rates. Specific issues are used as signifiers, but the exurb/urban divide is far more meaningful.
Rants and Reviews. Mostly just BS and Affiliate Links.
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