Link Post - Innovation In Population Control

Like all good supervillains, Elon lets you beat yourself.


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August 02, 2018

Ars Technica - Considering that Autopilot has already taken out people who thought going 70 was a good time to start watching Harry Potter movies, this should really help rack up the body count of people obsessed with doing everything but driving.

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Link Post - Partisan Media War Heats Up


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August 01, 2018

Media Matters - The thing that used to separate the major partisan news outlets from their more propaganda minded kin like Michael Moore or Dinesh D'Souza was that they at least stuck to reporting the facts with spin. Moving into the staged interviews and edited clips business moves them solidly out of the realm of news into something . . .

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Link Post - Real Journalism


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August 01, 2018

Topic - At a time when the prevailing trend in journalism is simply pitting talking points at each other between reading press releases, it's hard to imagine a time when investigations went this far to get the real story. Creating a fake bar to document all of the various levels of corruption that defined old-school Chicago politics is a . . .

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Link Post - Facebook Discovers Disinformation Campaign for 2018

Filed under Duh


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July 31, 2018

Technology Review - In what shouldn't shock anyone, there are more shadowy attempts to use Facebook to influence the outcome of a US election. Facebook is smart, making sure that they openly pushback is the key to ensure that the calls for regulation stay quiet. As far as the voter goes, it's a good time to learn to be critical of the . . .

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Link Post - The Quietus Interviews Trent Reznor


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July 31, 2018

The Quietus - There have been some so-so interviews during this run of publicity for the new NIN record. Most of them focus on the LP/EP controversy or how much Trump drove the anger of the new record. There's some of that in here, but mostly it's a good conversation about the actual music on Bad Witch.

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Link Post - How McDonald's Monopoly Was Rigged


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July 30, 2018

The Daily Beast - Some excellent True Crime writing here. This is one of those stories where if it was a movie it would seem embellished. This is like the Coen Bros version of white-collar crime.

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Link Post - Wintermute Would Be Proud

You live in a cyberpunk dystopia, why not compute like it?


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July 30, 2018

Hackaday - This is a really cool build with a NUC and a small screen. It’s a way beyond my skill, but a dork can dream.

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