Book Review - 33 1/3 Jawbreaker 24 Hour Revenge Therapy
Updated to fix links
I'm going to preface this review with my opinion that Blake Schwarzenbach is a singular voice in American music, not just punk rock. Long after I wore out my Dead Kennedys and Fugazi records, I could put on 24 Hour Revenge Therapy or Bivouac on like an old t-shirt. I still love those other bands, but Jawbreaker felt like a meeting point . . .
Link Post - The State Of RSS
Inessential - Brent Simmons has Net News Wire again and does a great state of RSS and lays out his renewed goals for the app. While I think that trying to push people back to curating their information over Twitter and Facebook's algorithms is noble, I'm not sure if it isn't just Gen X nerd nostalgia for the days before social . . .
Link Post - The Boy Who Cried Bias
Tech Dirt - One of the most ingenious ways that conservatives have created their voter discipline is by decrying any media that isn't cheerleading their agenda as biased. There are people doing real research into media bias, but that's beside the point. This is about ensuring that people distrust information that the party doesn't . . .
Link Post - In Defense Of Marginalia
Austin Kleon - I posted a link to a Paris Review article and said some bad things about the sort of active reading High School and College courses force people in to. I stand by that turning marginalia into a way to quantify reading, marginalia is terrible. However, for text that you're naturally engaged with it can be a way for you to . . .
Link Post - Opportunity In Danger
Link Post - Banking Service Provider Breach
Krebs On Security - This isn't as bad as Equifax, but yet another service provider to financial institutions had a security problem. The issue with these types of vulnerabilities is that there was little a consumer could do to protect themselves. Kudos to Fiserv for the swift response though.
Link Post - Algorithmic Art - Using math and computers to generate artwork is fascinating.