Link Post - Aging Millenial Likes Maggianos
The Takeout - As millennials age out of city living, I expect these types of articles will increase. While Americans’ are smarter about food than they used to be, convenience can beat out taste. It’s good to see critics that can be just as smug about their recovering snobbery as they were in asserting it.
Link Post - A New Quantum Contender
Link Post - Write Once Run Nowhere
Pixel Envy - Nick Heer has some hard criticism of the early efforts to run iOS apps on the Mac. I haven’t had enough time to play around in Mojave, but News didn’t seem to be anything that special. Likely we won’t see the real potential until more iOS-centric developers start making apps for the Mac. For now, all we see are the gold rush . . .
Link Post - Another Mojave Review
Ars Technica - Another comprehensive MacOS review.
Link Post - MacStories Mojave Review
MacStories - It’s not the same John that gave all the classic OS X reviews, but is a comprehensive look at the new OS.
100 Hour Reviews - Ys VII: The Lacrimosa Of Dana
Though Ys is a storied franchise dating back to the NES, it has never had a large following in the West. Despite that history, the series is light on lore—making it easy to pick up and play even in the eighth installment. Adol and his friend Dogi date back to the original game, but you don't need to know more than they are friends who go . . .
Link Post - Why Software Sucks
Thoughts Pile - Anyone who works in IT or Development long enough has had this feeling. Why is everything so awful? From broken continuously software releases to inexplicable problems with the infrastructure, we tolerate to keep the lights on. Things get better and more reliable every year, but I’m still amazed sometimes that everything isn’t . . .