Link Post - My Cat's In A Supergroup
Link Post - Downpayment On The Afterlife
Boing Boing - There's probably no lower form of con-man than a slick preacher fleecing the poor out of the meager earning for a downpayment on the afterlife. This isn't surprising to anyone, but it is a good excuse to share one of my favorite Carlin bits.
Link Post - Industrialized Surveillance
Link Post - Weird Memes China Edition
Boing Boing - Who says America doesn’t inspire the world? China embraces the culture of fat and lazy.
Link Post - Conformity Bias
r/philosophy - A short video that proves your mother right, the company you keep does affect your behavior.
Link Post - Electronic Voting Criminally Insecure
The Register - Partisan politics ensures that no one will learn the lessons of election interference in 2016, but future elections face a dire threat, the fundamental insecurity of electronic voting. The Register summarizes a report presented at DEFCON this year that should have everyone demanding paper ballots from their officials.
Link Post - It’s Not The News, It’s You
Kinght Foudnation - The Knight Foundation and Gallup teamed up to find out that partisans all believe that the media is slanted against them. It’s not that surprising, as even places like All Sides have found that everyone has a different idea of fairness. I still think that there is a fair read of the media being culturally biased, albeit . . .