Link Post - Reading Sucks
BaldburBjarnason - Though studies show that digital reading lacks in comparison to paper, it isn’t that paper is ideal. This is why advanced English classes teach active reading to improve interaction with text. The post asks why there is it software to advance reading the way tools like Scrivener and Ulysses have done for writing.
Link Post - Android Goes Dumb
The Register - An app free smart phone won’t be for everyone. Is it bad I really want one of these just for the novelty?
Link Post - Flying Heads For Halloween
Link Post - Andrew WK, OG Troll
Stereogum - So while I really like this deep investigation into the idea that Andrew WK may have spent a decade and a half trolling his fans and the press, but it depresses me that this is one of the best pieces of investigative journalism next to the NYT story on telling us things we already knew about Trump's money.
Link Post - Dehumanization They Take Away Your Name
AV Club - From the department of unintentional insights, apparently the Top Minds crowd has decided they’re the only ones who are truely informed. While dehumanizing political opponents isn’t anything new, it is interesting to see the millenial manifestation. Well and it’s an excuse to share the Subhumans song.
Link Post - Replacing Catcher In The Rye
Electric Literature - There are some good picks on here, though my pick isn’t. Frank Portman’s King Dork, which can still give some context to Catcher, but with more contemporary and relatable angst.
Link Post - Too Corrupt To Care
The Economist - This is a great editorial about the long-term effects of corruption on the market.